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Jon Jansen to Lions Fans Complaining About Tornado Coverage: ‘Get Over It’

Lions fans that wanted to watch their team’s first preseason game on FOX 2 in Detroit didn’t get the kind of viewing experience they were counting on Friday. A tornado appeared in the viewing area and the television station responded by going into emergency coverage. The game between the Lions and New York Giants stayed on part of the screen. The other half showed meteorologist Stephanie Miller giving updates regarding the storm’s path. The audio for the game was eliminated.

That decision drew ire from some fans in the Motor City. Heather Stone shared some of the angry comments Monday morning on 97.1 The Ticket. Jon Jansen was not having it.

“For anybody to be that upset about the coverage, first of all, that is mandated that FOX does,” the Stoney & Jansen co-host said. “And that you’re upset about missing the audio of a preseason game? Get over it.”

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Jansen admitted that his daughter had left the game and was on her way home when the storm warnings began. That may have explained his emotional reaction to hearing the complaints. Still, he says it makes no sense to think a preseason game would take priority over information that could save lives.

He added that the complaints about not being able to follow the action were not valid. The game was still on the screen. There were options for people that felt like they really needed to hear the audio of the game.

“Turn on Dan and Lomas!” he said, referencing the Lions’ radio broadcast which airs on 97.1 The Ticket.

Severe weather had been affecting Oakland County all day on Friday. FOX 2 responded to the outcry on social media by clarifying that they understand the complaints, but in the case of emergency weather, the network is obligated to prioritize informing the public of the danger and keeping them safe.

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