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Dan Bongino: Kristen Welker Interview With Donald Trump Worst Case of Media Bias

Kristen Welker began her tenure as host of Meet the Press with a high-profile interview with former President Donald Trump Sunday. The conversation has been panned, with Dan Bongino joining the list of detractors.

During The Dan Bongino Show Tuesday, the host argued that he was disappointed in Welker due to his past interactions with the host. He claimed the interview between the NBC News host and Trump was the “worst case of media bias I’ve ever seen”.

“This disappointed me so much because — as I said to you yesterday from NBC in our interview with Trump — I know Kristen well. Not well, we’re not friends, we’re not best buddies. We’ve never hung out. I just have spent a — I guess — a decent amount of time around her doing interviews through the years. And I’m really stunned because she purports to be a down-the-middle journalist. Now, she works for NBC, so of course, it’s going to be a Democrat, left-leaning bent. I think we all get that.

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“But I really did expect — I don’t know folks call me crazy, maybe I’m too much of an optimist these days, which sounds nuts. I know you think I’m a pessimist, but I’m not. I’m long in the United States. I expected her to at least try to be honest. And the interview with Trump was so embarrassing. We should all acknowledge that none of your candidates — our candidates, it’s our party — are going to be treated fairly. And this stuff has to be called out.”

Bongino took issue with Welker’s stance on President Joe Biden’s involvement with the investigations of Trump, as well as the Democratic Party’s stance on late-term abortion as examples of factual inaccuracies.

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