OutKick founder Clay Travis is reacting to comments about censorship from Carl Cannon, the Washington Editor of Real Clear Politics. Cannon believes some mainstream media members have been overly eager to excuse or justify censorship.
Cannon added that not only have they excused it, but in some cases, they have actively supported the censoring of politicians and even fellow journalists who hold opposing viewpoints.
“I agree with the conclusion,” Travis said on America’s Newsroom. “I think we’ve entered into a really scary time in our country where we’ve moved from basically an embrace of the marketplace of ideas and a robust First Amendment, where you can argue for or against any policy under the sun, to a position where Democrats believe not only the government itself should be censoring opinions it doesn’t like, but in the position of determining what can and cannot be argued.”
Travis said the real threat to democracy is the inability to have a healthy dialogue and express opposing points of view.
“Typically, the First Amendment was for minority rights as it was the majority rights,” he added. “Many different issues that initially start off with minority appeal grow into a majority perspective by allowing themselves to be argued over decades. That’s really kind of the entire purpose of Supreme Court dissents.”