CNN has taken a strong stance against Fox News host Mark Levin for his controversial remarks about prominent anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper. These comments were made during Levin’s radio show, where he incorrectly claimed that Wolf Blitzer’s parents were not Holocaust survivors and went on to make disparaging remarks about Jake Tapper.
CNN’s response to these statements was unequivocal, describing Levin’s remarks as both “antisemitic” and “inappropriate.” The network emphasized that Wolf Blitzer is the child of Holocaust survivors, and all four of his grandparents were Holocaust victims. Blitzer has been actively involved in raising awareness about the Holocaust through various means, such as producing a documentary, visiting Auschwitz, and delivering public speeches on Holocaust education.
Despite these facts, Mark Levin continued to make false statements during his live broadcast, also targeting other media figures like Jake Tapper and MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. His comments, including the claim that CNN is filled with “self-hating Jews,” have generated significant controversy and condemnation.
In response to the ensuing backlash, Levin attempted to backtrack on his statements, suggesting that he did not assert that Wolf Blitzer’s parents were not Holocaust survivors, even though there is audio evidence to the contrary. This incident highlights the importance of responsible and informed commentary, especially on sensitive topics like the Holocaust and antisemitism.