Tucker Carlson is slated to release a sit-down interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin Thursday. While many have criticized the decision to interview the dictator, 12120 WPHT host Dom Giordano is questioning what newsworthy items will come out of the conversation.
“My fear with Tucker Carlson is he’s going to be in the tank,” Giordano said Wednesday. “Carlson’s argument is we ought to hear Putin side of this. Well, I want to hear his interview with Putin, but what side is there toward invading Ukraine?
“Can’t you despise Putin, see him for what he is, and still think we’ve gone too far already? No 60 billion more dollars for Ukraine…Can’t you believe all those things, and still see Putin for what he is? Just a stone-cold killer. Can’t you see that? And yet at the same time, say Russia is not the major problem?”
Dom Giordano did question if Putin would make the statement that Russia and Ukraine should be negotiating a ceasefire, which would be newsworthy. He continued by noting that the conversation is likely to be a difficult watch, due to the language barrier and translation needed to understand Putin’s comments.
Carlson’s interview with Putin is scheduled to release at 6 PM ET on X.