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Audacy Named #1 Sports Podcast Network by Triton

Triton’s U.S. Podcast Report is out for 2023 and according to the results, Audacy is the No. 1 sports podcast network. The ranking is based on average monthly downloads for all networks measured in Triton’s U.S. Podcast Ranker from January to December 2023.

According to the metrics used in the report, Audacy reached an average of more than 37 million monthly podcast listeners, globally, in 2023. Audacy has over 600 sports podcasts in its portfolio.

“With more people downloading our podcasts than any other sports audio platform, this report solidifies Audacy’s position as the destination for high-quality sports content no matter where, when, or how you are listening,” said Jenna Weiss-Berman, Executive Vice President of Podcasts, Audacy.

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Triton’s annual U.S. Podcast Report covers podcast listening trends and the devices and platforms listeners use. It covers the demographics and characteristics of podcast listeners overall and for specific genres and programs. For participants in the Triton U.S. Podcast Ranker, the report also unveils the most downloaded podcasts and sales networks for 2023 and the top podcast debuts. The report incorporates data from multiple sources, including Triton Digital’s IAB Tech Lab-certified Podcast Metrics service, which measures server log data from the Triton Omny Studio platform and other industry hosting platforms. It also includes data from the Triton Podcast Metrics Demos+ solution, which provides demographics and audience characteristics for podcasts of all sizes. It also includes the Demos+ survey of 12,000 monthly podcast listeners in the U.S. in collaboration with Signal Hill Insights.

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