Pete Mundo: ‘I Was More Than Fair’ in 45-Minute Debate With FS1’s Nick Wright


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After the shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City earlier this week, KC native Nick Wright took time out of his program on FS1 to lament the state of gun violence in America. In response, KCMO morning host Pete Mundo criticized Wright on social media, leading to an on-air conversation Friday morning.

Wright, who hosts First Things First on FS1, went viral earlier this week after sharing his feelings about times he’s cried in front of his children all involved gun violence.

“Yesterday was the single worst 10 seconds of my life,” Wright said, as he recounted his experience at the parade shooting. In his monologue, Wright called for action against gun violence.

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Those statements by Wright led Pete Mundo to respond on social media. While noting he thought the host “is a smart dude and a very talented sports host, ” Mundo said Wright was “totally lost” on the issue.

“Just because you get emotional on TV or radio and get applauded by a bunch of sheep, doesn’t mean you’re making a cogent argument. This was nonsensical and all over the map,” added Mundo.

After Wright responded and said he would come on his show, Mundo welcomed the FS1 host at 8:05 AM CT.

For more than 45 minutes, the two discussed gun control or lack thereof. At times, the conversation became contentious, with the pair arguing about decorum and etiquette during the conversation.

Ultimately, Mundo ended the conversation by noting that he had skipped several commercial breaks during a busy hour of his morning show.

“We’ve done 45 minutes. You know how this works. I’ve blown through more breaks than my producer would care to admit, and I’m gonna get yelled at,” Mundo said. “I’m grateful for the time. I’ll say that much. I appreciate you coming on.”

“Thanks for actually letting me come on,” said Wright. “I think the audience has a very, very clear idea — whether they agree or disagree — with where I stand, and they feel like you think ‘I dunno, man, what can you do?’ So, it was a good talk.”

“Short in substance, long in wind, I guess, might be the best way to put it,” said Mundo. “I used to do sports talk, and I guess I realize how much I don’t miss it. Because in sports talk, the louder you yell the more right you’re perceived to be. And with what we do, that ain’t how it goes. We actually like to have adult conversations. Not like teenage kids yelling about whether or not you should have pulled the pitcher in the 7th inning. Listen, I was more than fair.”

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  1. I find the host infuriating. He did what many do with issues they rather not address. If you don’t have the solution to any issue with complete absolution then do absolutely nothing. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, if we wait for the teleportation machine to exists nothing would ever get done ..and maybe that’s the point

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