In a conversation which started with the possibility of Craig Carton filling in for either Brandon Tierney or Sal Licata on an upcoming show on WFAN, the topic of the Mt. Rushmore of WFAN came up. Hosts Tierney and Licata said they were discussing it during the commercial break, and each was ready to give their answer.
Tierney started out saying, “I’ve got my four. Now keep in mind, I [brought up Don] Imus, but I don’t like Imus. I’m not here to disparage someone who is no longer with us. I’ve never liked Imus, I’m going to leave it at that.” Licata replied, “And I know why he would be on there, he just wouldn’t be on mine.”
Tierney did say, “Without [Imus], I don’t know exactly where the station is. He validated Mike and Chris, like [he was] the engine…To leave him off seems irresponsible, but I’m going to leave him off.”
Licata fired first to give his full list. “For me, I’m going to leave [Imus] off because I’m a sports talk show fan and my favorite, on my Mt. Rushmore of WFAN would be Mike and Chris…I would go Steve Somers…you’re talking about legendary personalities on WFAN for me…and I would have [Joe Benigno] on there. Now, I am obviously biased and nostalgic about when I grew up listening. Like Boomer deserves a spot on there, no question. But, for me, I didn’t grow up on Boomer and Carton I was kind of co-workers at that point. I grew up on the other four even though I became co-workers with them as well. In my mind, sports talk fan, for me, Mike, Chris, Somers and Joe B. “
Tierney said, “Listen, obviously Mike and Chris…I always liked Mad Dog’s style more than Mike, I have always said this. The craziness, the wackiness, the unpredictability. Mike and Chris without a doubt. I’m not going to say ‘Schmooze’ (Steve Somers) or Joe B. shouldn’t be there because you can make a case for both …I think you got to put Boomer and Carton on there, I really do. Mike and Chris were the bridge to the early 2000’s and Carton and obviously Boomer, I don’t know how you write the history of this station without them on the first page, even though they were not here day one. I would go Boomer and Carton.”
Executive Producer Dov Kramer, who has been with WFAN since the beginning was asked to weigh in on his choices, however, he used different criteria than the others. “First of all, Imus is there 100%,” Kramer said. “…I am going to disqualify Chris Russo, because he left to work elsewhere. So, I have Mike there but not Chris…Boomer…Carton also left so I can’t count him…I have to go Joe B.”
Brandon Tierney added, “I always liked Joe’s style more than ‘Schmooze’. ‘Schmooze’ would put me to sleep but I’ve got great respect for ‘Schmooze.’ I liked Joe’s hardcore, that’s more me.
Sal Licata said, “I’m more like Joe B. than I am like Steve, but that to me is what makes Steve so special. He does something that nobody else [does]…none of us outside of Steve Somers writes a brilliant monologue every single night. He is brilliant. Almost too smart for talk radio.”