Few in the news media space are as busy as Sean Hannity. Between a nationally syndicated radio show and his Fox News primetime program, Hannity is responsible for plenty of daily content. It’s why, when he goes on vacation, he has to think one step ahead.
The Sean Hannity Show host returned to the air Monday after a vacation, and noted that the time off was as stressful as he could remember due to the ongoing nature of infighting inside the Democratic party about whether or not Presiden Joe Biden was fit to continue his campaign. Hannity revealed that he is always on standby even when he’s taking time off.
“When the debates got announced, I was supposed to be off that Thursday when the debate was and that Friday the day after, and I changed my vacation schedule. I said, ‘Alright, well, Fourth of July is usually an extraordinarily safe week.’ I had promised friends and family a vacation,” said Hannity.
“There’s been — to be very blunt too many times — I would take days off and make promises and then say ‘Well, never mind.’ Work calls, and work calls, and work calls and I just didn’t want to disappoint and frustrate so many people. But it was kind of hard on vacation because I had to have a radio studio on standby and a TV studio on standby every day and then make a decision every day about whether or not the news warranted me going on the air.”
Hannity said the circular nature of the Biden story — with prominent figures suggesting he should step away while the President remained defiant in the face of those calls — led him to stay away from stepping into his radio or cable news shows while he was out.
Sean Hannity did note, however, that he’s likely to remain on the air through election day.
“We’ve got a lot of ground to cover between now and an election day when early voting starts,” he stated.