Thomas Carroll will be joining the WEEI Sports Radio Network as its digital content producer, he announced on his LinkedIn page Tuesday. Carroll, who is a former producer at 98.5 The Sports Hub and 101 ESPN, is joining the broadcast team starting next Tuesday where he will be responsible for writing about all four major teams in Boston, along with helping to elevate the brand’s profile on digital platforms. Within his post, he divulged that he will be at practice facilities and in press boxes for games in addition to the station’s studios in Brighton, Mass. Once he becomes more accustomed in the role, he will begin appearing on shows across the network.
“WEEI is the station where I started my professional career in sports media,” Carrol wrote. “First as an intern on Mut & Merloni during that wild summer of 2013, and then a year later as an overnight/weekend/fill-in producer shortly after graduating from Emerson in 2014. So returning to this station/brand for a role like this one is pretty surreal.”
Carroll thanked Audacy and WEEI Sports senior content producer Scott McLaughlin, Audacy operations manager William Ennever, Audacy Boston senior vice president and market manager Mike Thomas and WEEI brand manager Ken Laird for the opportunity and received congratulations from industry colleagues and connections.
Carroll was most recently the social media manager pertaining to sports betting brands for Advision Development. Before that time, he was a podcast host and executive producer for VegasInsider and was promoted to media manager for his last 10 months on the job. Carroll also has experience as an on-air contributor with DraftKings and podcast producer for The Action Network. Additionally, he worked as an update anchor and producer for WTAG NewsRadio and a production assistant at ESPN Radio, along with a stint as a producer for the WEEI Sports Radio Network earlier in his career.