Cane Peterson and Ralphie Aversa have been promoted at Press Communications Classic Rock WWZY (107.1 The Boss)/Long Branch-WBHX (99.7)/Tuckerton, NJ.
Peterson will take over afternoons, where he will be joined by meteorologist ‘Nor’easter Nick’ Pittman, traffic reporter Britney Trumpey, and newscaster Hunter Farman. Peterson joined the station in 2022 from Audacy’s WNYL (Alt. 92.30/New York.
Aversa, who joined the station in 2021, will move from weekends to evenings. He will continue as the host of “Totally 80s Saturday Night” and an entertainment reporter for USA Today.
Robby Bridges, WWZY/WBHX VP/Programming, said, “We believe in personality-driven content, and this new 1-2 punch in PM and nights with Cane and Ralphie elevates The Boss to the highest levels. I’m thrilled to work with two 21st-century superjocks as part of our all-star team!”
Cane said, “Thankful to Robby and CEO Bob McAllan for this opportunity. Working for a company that still believes in local radio is incredible, and Robby is a guy whose passion for it makes me remember why I loved radio in the first place.”
Aversa added, “Thank you to Robby Bridges for building such a unique and fun radio station. Of course, it also happens thanks to Bob McAllan and Press Communications. I’m thankful to be a part of the family and am excited about returning to weeknights in the Tri-State!”