Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


NAB Urges Congress to Move Forward with AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act After Committee Vote

"We urge congressional leadership to ensure this bill moves forward and becomes law, safeguarding AM radio’s indispensable service to the public.”

The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act through the committee with a 45-2 vote. Now, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is urging lawmakers to take the final steps to make the bill a law.

Proposed legislation would require automakers to either continue placing AM radios inside new makes and models or alert purchasers that the vehicle is not equipped with the AM band.

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In a statement after the committee passage, NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt championed the lawmakers who have got the bill to this point, before urging them to pass the bill before adjourning.

NAB is grateful for the leadership of Chairs Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Gus Bilirakis, Ranking Members Frank Pallone and Jan Schakowsky and the committee members for their recognition of AM radio’s unique and vital role in protecting public safety,” said LeGeyt.

“As one of the most reliable and resilient communications platforms, AM radio continues to be a lifeline for communities in times of emergency. We urge congressional leadership to ensure this bill moves forward and becomes law, safeguarding AM radio’s indispensable service to the public.”

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