#75 Omaha
Country KXKT holds on to first 9.0-8.8
Classic Hits KGOR flat 5.6-5.5
Hip Hop KOPW has a strong month 4.5-5.5
#78 Charleston
Hip Hop WWWZ leads the way 8.1-8.8
Urban WXST remains in second despite losing a full share 9.0-8.0
Country WEZL up 4.4-4.8
#80 Bakersfield
Urban KISV is up for the third straight month 7.2-7.8-8.2
Regional Mexica KIWI has it’s highest share in four months 6.2-8.1
Country KUZZ up 6.6-7.4
#86 Harrisburg, PA
Hot AC WNNK remains in first and grows 7.7-9.0
Classic Rock WRVV holds on to second 6.0-5.9
Rock WQXA up 4.4-5.0
#95 Akron
Country WQMX continues a three-month growth spurt of 6.9-7.2-7.4
Urban WZAK rises 5.9-6.5
Hot AC WKDD grows 3.1-3.9
You can dive deeper into each market on Barrett Media’s ratings page. Powered by Harker Bos Group.
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