Tag: Charissa Thompson

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Ryan Fitzpatrick Confirms He Will Be A Pregame Analyst Amazon Prime

Fitpatrick will be a pregame analyst alongside Sherman and previously announced Tony Gonzalez.

Charissa Thompson Reportedly Will Lead Amazon Pregame Show

"Originally, it was expected that Kay Adams would be in the lead chair for Thursday Night Football."

Amazon Considering Charissa Thompson, Colleen Wolfe As Alternative To Kay Adams

"Amazon is considering other options in the event that Adams chooses to go with another of her reported suitors."

FOX’s Strategy to Launch the WWE Was Glorious

"Nearly 4 million people tuned in to watch WWE Smackdown on FOX. Strategy and execution had a lot to do with it."

BSM Podcast – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Joe Fortenbaugh – 95.7 The Game

After the opening pleasantries on episode 2 of Season 2, Jason dives into The 5 in 5. This week's stories focus on Vice Sports...


Can We Make Talk Radio Great Again?

"Contrary to the industry naysayers, I believe there is a path forward to make radio great again."

Bob Uecker: Lessons on How to Follow the Legacy of ‘Mr. Baseball’

“When you saw him at the ballpark, those cheeks were so plump with a smile that you could it was contagious.”

Political Talk Is Suicide For Music Radio Brands

Even though the First Amendment protects free speech, what you say and project will always be a direct reflection of you. And your brand.

‘The Roula & Ryan Show With Eric’ on 104.1 KRBE is the Heartbeat of Houston

They have been together for over 18 years and remain the longest-running morning show in KRBE history, and the longest-running ensemble show in Houston.

