Tag: Entercom

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Do You Know Who You’re Hiring?

If you've ever watched the show "Shark Tank" or "The Voice", you've watched people present themselves in front of the coaches or sharks, hoping...

Growing Sports Radio’s Bottom Line!

For the past 19 years I've made my living in the radio industry. Most of that time has been spent in the sports talk radio...


iHeartMedia is About to Miss the Boat on Video Podcasting Unless Bob Pittman Changes Course

The game is changing. Strike that, the game has changed. So why is Bob Pittman dragging his feet?

It’s Not About Politics Affecting Music Radio, It’s About Authenticity

"If there is a major political story or event, should it be addressed? Yes. It’s inauthentic not to."

Anatomy of a Broadcaster: Clark Kellogg

"Kellogg is packed with credibility. Having played at a high level in college at Ohio State, then bursting on the scene in an albeit too short NBA career, he knows the game."

Alt 98.7 PD and iHeartMedia SVP of Alternative Programming Lisa Worden Says ‘It’s On Alternative To Be Unique’

“We're supposed to be an alternative to a pop station. It’s something you're not going to get elsewhere."

