Tag: Eric Von Haessler

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Eric Von Haessler: Drug Company Advertisements Have Forever Changed Media

"Until 1983, you were not allowed to advertise drugs on television. I think it was a better world then."

Eric Von Haessler: Reporters Under 40 Don’t Do Enough Research

"I guarantee you when they're talking to you about war, deficits, debt, government shutdowns, they know little more of the background than that young lady did that the Detroit Lions play indoors."

Tim Conway Jr.: I Field Questions About Eric Von Haessler All The Time

"They always ask about you guys, where you went, and what happened. Those are the...questions I get that all the time."

Tim Conway Jr.: I’m In Radio Today Because of Eric Von Haessler

"If it wasn't for you guys, I definitely wouldn't be in radio right now, and I wouldn't be driving to work at KFI. It's a true story."

Eric Von Haessler: There’s Nothing Worse Than News You Can’t Use as a Joke

"Sometimes you see news that there's no doubt that it's news. You just wonder like, what the hell can I do with this?"


ESPN ‘Around The Horn’ to Host Final Show May 23

“Around the Horn has had a remarkable run of more than two decades,”

Johnny Kane to Host Weekly ‘SportsCaster’s Open Mic’ Show on WJR 760AM

Johnny Kane will be hosting a new weekly sports...

‘The Chubb Rock Show’ Joins OG 97.7 Atlanta For Afternoons

It’s a return to his hometown for Chubb Rock and the shows blend of music, culture, and conversation.

NAB Thanks 20 Bipartisan Senators For Resolution Against New Radio Performance Tax

"Their support will help ensure that local radio stations can continue serving our communities for years to come.”

