Tag: Ryan Hatch
When Teams Gain Influence Over Content
One word that few people respond favorably to is censorship. By definition, the word implies a practice in limiting or removing key information and...
The Top 20 Major Market Program Directors of 2016 Are…
For the past four days, the on-air talent have been the focus of conversation. But now it's time to recognize the brand leaders who...
America’s Top 20 Local Sports Program Directors of 2015 Are…
The past four days we've focused on the talent, and for good reason, they are after all the reason listeners tune in each day....
Welcome To The 2015 Sports Radio Draft
If you're like myself and most other sports fans on the planet, you spent last night immersed in NFL Draft coverage. Whether you were glued...
The World of Men 25-54
Defining success for a sports radio station can be measured in many different ways. There's laying out guidelines and goals for what you expect...
It’s Not About Politics Affecting Music Radio, It’s About Authenticity
"If there is a major political story or event, should it be addressed? Yes. It’s inauthentic not to."
Anatomy of a Broadcaster: Clark Kellogg
"Kellogg is packed with credibility. Having played at a high level in college at Ohio State, then bursting on the scene in an albeit too short NBA career, he knows the game."
Alt 98.7 PD and iHeartMedia SVP of Alternative Programming Lisa Worden Says ‘It’s On Alternative To Be Unique’
“We're supposed to be an alternative to a pop station. It’s something you're not going to get elsewhere."
Meet The Podcasters: Jeremy Sinon, Hubbard Radio
"It's not up to us to choose how the consumer consumes us. We just need to create the content and make it available in all of the places and forms that it can be consumed. "