Saturday, September 28, 2024
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LA Times Suspends Arash Markazi Amid Plagiarism Accusations

The Los Angeles Times formally opened an investigation last week into accusations that sports columnist Arash Markazi is guilty of plagiarism. Vice News reports that other members of the paper’s sports staff “sent a letter to leadership stating that they were ‘angry and embarrassed about the repeated ethical breaches’ by Markazi, which they claimed included ‘plagiarism, misrepresenting how his information for stories is obtained, and using his social media accounts to work as a de facto PR representative.'”

In the letter, the signees also say that Markazi’s actions have effected not just the paper’s reputation, but their personal reputations and relationships “with the people, teams, and leagues that we cover, as well as our peers.”

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Markazi is currently on paid leave during the investigation. He did not return emails or texts from Vice News seeking comment. Hillary Manning, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Times, issued a statement to Vice that said “all allegations received by newsroom management are taken seriously. As a journalism organization, we have responsibility to both ensure that our reporters maintain the highest standards of professional ethics and that our reporters are treated fairly when questions of their ethics are raised.”

Vice News published a story by Laura Wagner and Maxwell Strachan earlier this month that detailed several failings of The Los Angeles Times. Markazi’s transgressions were just part of what was highlighted, but the duo’s investigation did show “a number of questionable journalistic decisions by Markazi, including an apparent act of plagiarism.”

In the letter to Times leadership, the signees write that “multiple editors have been informed repeatedly of [Markazi’s] unwillingness to adhere to ethical standards, yet he continued to write columns, attend events, travel, and peddle influence. He is heretofore undeterred.”

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