Saturday, September 21, 2024
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A Trump Landslide Victory is Coming

President Donald Trump will win reelection on November 3rd, and by a larger margin than his 2016 shocker.

That’s the opinion of KMC Radio talk-show host Kevin McCullough, who made the declaration recently on Twitter and during subsequent appearances with Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax TV and on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show.

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“The only thing I can find right now in American culture that says Trump is going to lose are these polls that continually come out, the RealClearPolitics average puts them together,” says McCullough, pointing out big media and university polls that many think are missing a wide swath of Trump voters and under-representing Republicans. “I think if you have properly-weighted polls and you don’t talk to registered voters, but you talk to likely voters, you start to get a different story.” Specifically, he points out the massive enthusiasm advantage for President Trump, as well as rapid job expansion as the economy roars back from the pandemic-induced shutdowns.

“Trump voters will literally crawl over glass to get to the polls for President Trump,” Stinchfield agreed. “That’s not the case for Joe Biden. He just happened to be the person Democrats offered up.”

McCullough’s bold prediction comes on the heels of a new Gallup survey, which says that 56% of American’s consider themselves better off than they were four years ago at the conclusion of the previous administration, even during a worldwide pandemic. The survey also shows that most voters agree with Trump on the issues and find him to be a strong, decisive leader.

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McCullough, KMC Radio host and founder of, has a history of correct presidential predictions, including calling Trump’s victory in 2016.  Instead of dissecting granular, district-by-district political minutia, McCullough relies heavily on overarching national trends in formulating his electoral predictions. He first broke onto the stage in 2006, when he published an article predicting a Barack Obama presidency.

McCullough’s recently-released 2020 electoral map predicts a Republican tidal wave, with Trump not only winning the states he carried in 2016 – including Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Arizona – but also picking up Nevada, New Hampshire and Minnesota.

“I think Donald Trump is going to blow Minnesota out of the water,” he said on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show, pointing to the key issues of law and order and the economy. “I think it is going to turn the darkest red that it has ever thought of being in the modern era. The enthusiasm in Minnesota is so raging…they are ready to walk through fire, crawl over glass, pick the analogy of your choice. They want to get to the polls.”

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Overall, he has Trump winning 331 electoral votes, compared to just 207 for Biden. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win, and this prediction would be an increase over Trump’s 2016 winning tally of 306. 

“It’s all red. We’re not talking just swing states” said Stinchfield, as he showed McCullough’s predicted map of the electoral outcome. “We’re talking a massive, Reagan-style landslide.”

Many others, including high-profile attorney and political gambler Robert Barnes, have also been singing the same song, noting the long list of trends favoring a comfortable Trump victory. Barnes often points to traditional objective data points, such as search engine volume, social media support, voter registration trends and models based on party primary turnout.  All strongly favor Trump in 2020.

In addition, many other political voices point to a growing list of related, objective measurements that also foreshadow a Trump win. These include a dramatic rise in gun purchases, who polled Americans think is going to win, the stock market’s current rise over the three months leading up to the election, expected record-setting 3rd quarter GDP growth, younger candidates and incumbents almost always winning and the total number of small-dollar donors. Many experts point out that these data points all favor Trump, while only one – the group of big media and university polls – favors Biden. McCullough says both campaigns understand the real state of the race.

“They both know that the media polls are not accurate,” McCullough. “I know this because I’ve spoken to the Trump pollster and he’s told me directly, ‘yeah, they’re not even close.’  Biden people know they’re not accurate either, and if they tell the real story of what it looks like, it’s not gonna be good.”

In the conversation with Metaxas, who refers to McCullough as “Vote-stradamus,” he points specifically to the support that President Donald Trump enjoys among the Republican party, which is far superior to what either Barack Obama or George W. Bush garnered from their parties during the runup to their successful reelections. Also important is the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential tracking poll, where Trump’s job approval numbers have been consistently higher than those of president Obama during the month of September leading up to reelection. And that is with massively favorable, idolatry-like media coverage for Obama, compared to the opposite for Trump.

“While I don’t have an exact science to why I’m coming to these conclusions, there is certainly a lot of data, not anything that is indicating to me that Biden has this huge lead, other than those media polls that keep getting published on every media channel,” he said.

McCullough says he will update his 2020 map as the days tick down until the election, but that his current prognostication is about far more than just Trump’s appeal. As he sees it, this race is also about what many see to be the shortfalls of Biden’s long tenure in government.

“When you’ve been in Washington for 47 years and you’ve not really gotten any accomplishments to your credit, except things that you are kind of embarrassed by, like the prison reform package that he put together that jailed more African Americans than anything before it, you’re talking about a very troublesome record that he’s got to depend upon, “ McCullough pointed out. “This is one of the reasons even president Obama was slow to endorse him.”

Kevin McCullough has traditionally been spot on when he puts out an electoral map projection, and since making this prediction last week he has gained nearly 30,000 Twitter followers.

These thousands join millions more who are hoping his streak continues in just a few short weeks.

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Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz is a former Sports Director for WFUV Radio at Fordham University. He has coached and mentored hundreds of Sports Broadcasting students at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Marist College and privately. His media career experiences include working for the Hudson Valley Renegades, Army Sports at West Point, The Norwich Navigators, 1340/1390 ESPN Radio in Poughkeepsie, NY, Time Warner Cable TV, Scorephone NY, Metro Networks, NBC Sports, ABC Sports, Cumulus Media, Pamal Broadcasting and WATR. He has also authored a number of books including "A Renegade Championship Summer" and "Untold Tales From The Bush Leagues". To get in touch, find him on Twitter @RickSchultzNY.


  1. CBS, had high ratings not because they are telling the truth, but because they are feeding their people with so much crap ! Why isn’t CBS saying anything about joe biden and Hunter of all the CHINA connections that they illegally did with 1.5 Billon dollar deals under the table? And they say it’s not verified? That’s funny the Russia hoax never was verified and that did not stopped CBS to say that Trump was a Russian spy when they had no proof what so ever, and now that Hunter biden’s laptop has been verified that everything is true where’s CBS? .and you call yourself news reporters, what a bunch of losers, that’s why TRUMP will win another 4 years, put that in your pipes and smoke it with Hunter, you dum Democrats!.

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