Sunday, September 22, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


President Trump Tweets Link to Story by Satirical Site Babylon Bee

After being pressed in his town hall by Savannah Guthrie on retweeting misinformation Thursday night, President Donald Trump retweeted an article early Friday morning with the headline “Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News.”

The president must not have been well versed on what exactly the Babylon Bee is, because the headline and the story belonged to the satirical site.

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Babylon Bee editor in chief Kyle Mann told the New York Times that the president does know the site is satire. But the site does tend to make more fun of liberals and progressives than anything.

So maybe the president was just joking around? Conservatives have been upset about Twitter and Facebook’s efforts to restrict the spread of a New York Post article involving Democrat nominee Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukranian energy company called Burisma.

The retweet has not been removed from the president’s Twitter account yet.

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