Saturday, September 21, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Americans Become Their Own Media

As the mainstream, corporate media has transformed from watchdogs and information disseminators to cheerleaders, suppressors and protectors, citizens now have to take on the aforementioned traditional roles themselves.

If the truth is to be told, shared and understood, many Americans now believe they have no choice but to act as their own media.

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Grant Stinchfield devoted part of his Friday Newsmax program to laying out why he believes the rapid, deleterious changes that have overcome our nation in just the last week will only serve to weaken the country. He was joined by former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson, who set the stage for what the country must be aware of as we enter a period of adjustment in America. Neither man targeted the mainstream media by name, but their discussion contained an unmistakable call for citizens to be alert and vigilant. They need to do the job that, in years past, was the duty of the media.

“With only three days in the White House, Joe Biden claims he wants to ‘Build Back Better,’ yet every move he has made leads you to believe he wants to tear it down worse,” Stinchfield began, noting the Biden quickly removed both the Winston Churchill bust and military battle flags from the Oval Office. “We went from America First to America Last in a matter of three days, and the D.C. swamp is reemerging.”

Presidents have traditionally entered office experiencing a “honeymoon period,” characterized by unsustainably high approval ratings. Not so this year, as Rasmussen Reports pegs Biden’s approval at just 48%, lower than the starting point for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Many Americans, possibly most, understand that sans a flood of mail-in ballots with a lack of signature verification, the likelihood is high that Donald Trump would still be president. Many citizens also fear what will be the immediate dismantling of the Trump policies that led to unprecedented peace and prosperity across the nation.

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“There will be a lot of things that will not be able to be torn apart, and we need to concentrate on those,” Carson noted. “I hope people are paying very close attention, because you see two very distinct philosophies on how things should be run.”

The mainstream media, once a protector of the individual, has now become a protector of the ruling class. While not calling out the liberal media specifically, Carson has for years called out the true duty of government, as laid out in the Constitution.

“When this country was created, it was created as a place where there would be individual freedoms, where you could live your life the way you wanted, believe what you wanted. You had religious freedom as long as your rights didn’t impinge on the next person’s rights. But then there’s always been a group that has felt that the government should be in charge, that true utopia is a place where you give the government full power from cradle to grave, and they take care of you.” In just the past few days, American watchdogs and a sliver of the national news media has called out this overarching theme enveloping the new administration’s executive orders and policy proposals.

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“I implore the American people – pay attention to what’s going on,” Carson said. “Remember what’s happened over the last four years, how the economy just skyrocketed because of the policies – removing all of those regulations, letting people spend their own money and determine their own way. Those are the things that had a very, very rapid ameliorating effect on America.”

Carson is right to put the onus on citizens to track the changing effects over the next few years, knowing much of the American media will attempt to deflect, deceive and obscure the truth from viewers.  

Stinchfield played a clip of President Biden, after months of blaming his predecessor for everything related to COVID-19, saying that “there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” A far different tune than he and his party of resistance sang for the past year, and a clear example of what Stinchfield and Carson want viewers to be on the alert for.

“The way that the previous administration was able to get business, and industry and science and universities to all work together, to come up with a vaccine in record-breaking time. No one thought it could be done, and yet it was done because of the push there to try and save lives.” 

Carson did not mention the press as he summed up, however his all-encompassing point cannot be understated.

“China is not going to destroy us. Russia is not going to destroy us. Iran is not going to destroy us. North Korea is not going to destroy us. What will destroy us is us, if we continue to listen to the purveyors of hatred.”  

Americans can no longer trust the mainstream press to present truthful reality. They must now take that burden upon themselves.

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Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz is a former Sports Director for WFUV Radio at Fordham University. He has coached and mentored hundreds of Sports Broadcasting students at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Marist College and privately. His media career experiences include working for the Hudson Valley Renegades, Army Sports at West Point, The Norwich Navigators, 1340/1390 ESPN Radio in Poughkeepsie, NY, Time Warner Cable TV, Scorephone NY, Metro Networks, NBC Sports, ABC Sports, Cumulus Media, Pamal Broadcasting and WATR. He has also authored a number of books including "A Renegade Championship Summer" and "Untold Tales From The Bush Leagues". To get in touch, find him on Twitter @RickSchultzNY.

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