Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Rob Stone’s Enthusiastic Call Turns Bowling Highlight Into Viral Sensation

Every so often a nondescript broadcast captures the sports world thanks to a unique call or commentary. So when bowling takes centerstage, someone must have said something interesting. 

Thanks to Anthony Neuer (the Ginger Assassin), we were able to see history on the lanes, in a moment that was even more memorable because of broadcaster Rob Stone. The feat was converting a 7-10 split, the call and enthusiasm from Stone was even better. 

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“My goodness, the Ginger Assassin just dropped a 7-10. You bet, kid! You bet!” Stone yelled. “Oh man, give me some oxygen and water!”

I’ve dabbled in bowling for fun, having played in a few beer leagues years ago, with a high score of 277, making a few 6-7-10 splits on occasion. Converting the 7-10 split always appeared impossible. But I was shocked to hear the Ginger Assassin’s feat was just the fourth time ever the split was picked up during a televised PBA Tour match. And the first in 30 years! 

Credit the broadcaster for dropping that stat, setting the stage for the historic moment as Neuer picked up the spare. And credit Stone for building off the knowledge with great enthusiasm to complete a fantastic call. 

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Forget about Charles Barkley in the Monday Night Football booth, if ESPN wants to get creative, call up FOX Sports and see what it would take to get Rob Stone behind the mic.

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