Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Geraldo Rivera Calls Dan Bongino a ‘Son of a b—-‘

Fox News viewers witnessed an intense debate that resulted in name calling between two well-known contributors during the Hannity show Wednesday. Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino went toe-to-toe on the issue of policing in America. 

Rivera lost his composure towards the end of the segment and called Bongino a “son of a bitch.” 

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“You just want to see the country burn,” Bongino responded as the debate intensified. “I want to see the country burn? You son of a bitch!” Rivera replied. “I want to see the country. You punk! You’re nothing but a punk!”

Sean Hannity tried to regain control of the segment but both men talked over each other, at times drowning out each other’s points. 

“I know more than you! What do you know?” Rivera said, as he noted his thousands of hours covering policing issues. “What, did you have a 10-minute career as a cop? You’ve been running for office for the last 20 years.”

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Bongino said Rivera, who hosted his popular talk show “Geraldo” from 1987 to 1998, was basing his experience on going to dinner with a police captain — prompting the longtime reporter to shout back, “Don’t start minimizing my experience!”

Geraldo has been involved in lots of nationally televised blow ups over the years including a confrontation with a skin head on his talk show that resulted in a broken nose.

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