Tuesday, October 8, 2024
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Tiffany Cross: Sage Steele, Van Jones, & Carlos Watson Not Black Voices

MSNBC weekend host Tiffany Cross criticized several prominent Black media figures, including ESPN’s Sage Steele, during a segment on her Cross Connection show Saturday.

Cross grouped Steele, Van Jones, and Ozy founder Carlos Watson as people “prompted up by wealthy or powerful white Americans.”

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“We, the keepers of the culture, don’t really rock with any of them like that,” said Cross. “Now, obviously, the three of these folks are definitely Black faces. However, they are not necessarily Black voices. And there’s a difference.”

Cross’ gripe with Steele centers on her comments about former President Barack Obama, whose birth father abandoned him. Steele told former NFL quarterback Jay Cutler during his podcast Uncut that Obama was raised by white parents.

“So that is undoubtedly a Black face whether or not she knows it, but it is definitely not a Black voice,” Cross said. Yet, I am sure someone is giving themselves a big diversity pat on the back.”

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Cross criticized Jones for taking it easy on former President Donald Trump during his last State of the Union address. She also referred to him as “Jeff Bezos’ Black friend.”

She slammed Watson for his ability to raise funds for Ozy, saying, “he has the ability to make white people feel comfortable.” 

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