Thursday, October 3, 2024
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Allison Williams: I Wasn’t a Threat When No One Was Vaccinated

Ex-sportscaster Allison Williams is sharing her story about how her refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine led to her decision to leave ESPN.

Williams was a guest on SiriusXM’s The Megyn Kelly Show  Thursday. Williams told Kelly that she was morally, ethically, and medically against getting the vaccine. 

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“You’re gutsy,” Kelly said. “I mean, it’s hard to get television jobs and to take on an issue as dicey as this when you’re in the middle of a contract negotiation? I mean, it just proves your sincerity to me.”

Williams told Kelly that she walked away from the largest contract of her career.

“Remember Megyn, I worked college football all last season when there were no vaccines,” she said. “I tested, and I masked, and I wasn’t a threat to anyone when no one was vaccinated. So why is it now that anyone that wants the vaccine has it and should be therefore protected, why am I a threat now?”

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President Joe Biden continues to insist that the vaccine mandates are not about freedom, a claim Williams disputes. 

“This country exists on the principle of freedom,” she said. “We are the land of the free and the home of the brave, and if we don’t have freedom over our own bodies if our bodily autonomy is not respected, this God-given Constitutionally protected right to determine what we do with our bodies, we aren’t free.”

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