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SiriusXM adds Freakonomics Radio Network to Its Lineup

SiriusXM has added a new streaming service to its lineup. Freakonomics Radio Network is described as a network of podcasts dedicated to uncovering “the hidden side of everything.”

According to a news release, the Freakonomics Radio Network produced some of the most listened-to podcasts — for a combined reach of over 160 million listeners last year. They include No Stupid Questions, where Dubner and co-host psychologist Angela Duckworth explore the weird and wonderful ways in which humans behave. 

“It’s exciting to be able to take a show as groundbreaking and successful as Freakonomics Radio and give listeners, new and old, an entirely unique way to experience it,” said Scott Greenstein, SiriusXM’s President, and Chief Content Officer.

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Recently, SiriusXM has teamed up with various audio creators to produce multi-platform content that includes podcasts and call-in talk shows. 

The hosts of the award-winning horror-comedy podcast Last Podcast on the Left launched Open Lines, a live weekly call-in show on SiriusXM’s Faction Talk (channel 103) after bringing their podcast back to wide distribution through Stitcher. 

“The SiriusXM audience is amazingly large and diverse,” said Freakonomics Radio host Stephen Dubner, “and we can’t wait to get our stuff in their ears.”

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