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Clay Travis, Buck Sexton Want to Build Off What Rush Limbaugh Created

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton are touting their ratings success in several of the country’s largest markets just days after celebrating their one-year anniversary. 

“Clay & Buck” launched last year following the death of conservation talk icon Rush Limbaugh. During their show, Wednesday, Clay & Buck took time out to thank the listeners who continue to support the show. 

“We have been number one in Houston; in Phoenix; in San Diego; in Denver; in Salt Lake City; in Sacramento; Austin, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; Raleigh-Durham; Milwaukee; Greensboro, North Carolina; Memphis, Tennessee; Fort Myers and Naples; Louisville, Kentucky; Birmingham, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Albany, New York; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Des Moines, Iowa; Omaha; Spokane, Washington, and Syracuse, New York,” said Travis. 

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The full conversation is posted on the show’s website. 

The show is syndicated by Premiere Networks and owns the same time slot as Rush Limbaugh did. Of course, the duo has been gracious in ushering in a new era of talk, repeatedly recognizing Limbaugh for building such a loyal audience. 

“We want to use this platform, this legendary platform — built, created by, held up by Rush Limbaugh for decades,” Sexton said. “We want to now take this platform and make sure this audience feels focused, informed, entertained, and fired up for our first full-scale election together, friends, in this midterm.” 

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