Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Bernie McGuirk: Donald Trump Isn’t a Dictator

New York talk personalities “Bernie & Sid,” told their 77 WABC audience Tuesday that the mainstream media rejoiced following a federal raid on the home of former President Donald Trump. 

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Monday. According to Fox News Digital, agents were looking for confidential government documents that Trump allegedly held onto after leaving office.

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“Everything they accuse Donald Trump of, they are,” said Bernie McGuirk. “Back when his supporters were chanting lock Hillary Clinton up, they were calling Trump a dictator.” 

The guys played a montage of soundbites from left-leaning pundits scolding Trump for vowing to use federal resources to investigate claims that Clinton was involved in alleged nefarious acts related to the Russia probe during the 2016 Presidential election. 

“So, he was the dictator?” said McGuirk. “I don’t think so; he never locked her up. Also, CNN had a panel and on the panel was a New York Times reporter suggesting that they (FBI) found paper in the toilet. I mean, come on, give me a break.” 

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Rosenburg added that the best way to support Trump during this period of uncertainty is to follow him on Truth Social.

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