Much has been made about Kanye West and his recent off-the-rails interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Podcast host Keith Olbermann added criticism to the Fox News host on his Countdown With Keith Olbermann podcast Monday.
“By now — I’d guess — you’d hear that the Vice news site Motherboard got ahold of outtakes from Tucker Carlson’s interview with (Kanye) West. My first impression was ‘My god, this is one of the greatest editing jobs of all time!’,” Olbermann said.
“There’s like seven crazy things in just that one sound byte,” Olbermann added after playing the first of many outtakes from Carlson’s interview with the rapper.
Olbermann then turned his attention to Carlson, pointing out the flaws in presentation of the interview to viewers.
“Monday night, Tucker Carlson did an follow up segment on Kanye West and not once did he mention his anti-Semitic threats on Twitter.”
Olbermann continued to lament Carlson and the lack of acknowledgement of West’s anti-Semitic tweets after the interview with Carlson aired.
The embrace of West by conservatives has proven to be a divisive one, as several prominent right-wing pundits have pushed back on the idea that West embodies conservative values, namely Ben Shapiro.