Thursday, October 20th saw the 27th ever “Sports Equinox” with all four major sports playing games on the same day. That’s your average day for Skyview Networks, which has seen a record number of broadcasts recently.
In the past three weeks, Skyview Networks has facilitated 710 games between NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and college football.
“As Skyview’s business portfolio and partnerships continue to expand, our operations department approaches each broadcast and new season with commitment and professionalism in every aspect,” said Skyview Networks Senior Vice President of Operations, Engineering, and Technology Ryan Ballard. “This record number of broadcasts managed by our team is a testament to their dedication and ingenuity to ensure the success of each team partner and their season.”
The technology leader aired more than 3,500 broadcast hours during the past three weeks, which President and CEO Steve Jones said showcases the network’s abilities.
“The magnitude of this overlap and the manner in which our team handled a record-breaking season speaks to the leadership role Skyview has in the audio technology industry. The continued growth within the departments is what drives our evolving business platforms and positions Skyview for further development and innovation.”