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Damon Bruce: Terry Bradshaw Has ‘Outstayed His Welcome’

Terry Bradshaw caught some flack for his Super Bowl postgame interview with Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid, telling him to “waddle over here” and to “enjoy the Hawaiian shirts and a cheeseburger” while concluding the interview. 95.7 The Game’s Damon Bruce believes it’s time for Bradshaw to step aside.

“I don’t wanna kick a guy while he’s down … Ray, it’s time for Terry Bradshaw to go,” Bruce said to co-host Ray Ratto. “It’s just straight up time for Terry Bradshaw to go. He is comprehensively bad at his job. It’s time to get him off the FOX set. He has outstayed his welcome. Thanks for the memories, (but) Bradshaw is officially generations removed from knowing the game. He’s bad at highlights. He’s bad at interviews. He doesn’t relay information, he’s no longer funny, and he can’t speak in soundbites. ‘So what do you do around here? I guess would be my question’. He’s awful…he’s embarrassing himself and the network that employs him.”

Bruce added he doesn’t enjoy tearing down anyone, but you “really have to have stepped in it for me to say take the microphone away”.

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Ray Ratto believes Bradshaw has been “absolutely miscast” by FOX, saying he’s “terrible” at interviews and the network has “done him no favors”.

“If you can’t figure out that of the five guys on that set, that he’s the worst potential guy to ask questions of anybody, then the producer should be fired. The executive producer should be fired. If Bradshaw goes, it should be because FOX has always put him in lousy situations.”

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