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Pat McAfee Took 6 Meetings in Los Angeles

Pat McAfee and crew could not use their broadcast studio on Thursday. Engineers needed to make some modifications ahead of their Draft Spectacular scheduled for Thursday night. McAfee said with no show, he decided to be as productive as he could be, and that meant getting out of Indianapolis.

“I decided to schedule six meetings,” he said on his Friday show. “Let’s go out to LA, schedule six meetings with everybody. I talked to some incredible human beings. People I never could have guessed being in the room with, I’m chatting with talking about life and a potential future and how they view it and what future business looks like.”

Speculation online about his future began to run rampant when he posted a photo of himself with Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger. It was a meeting that McAfee was not expecting to happen before he got on the plane.

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“That got added late,” he said. “It was a late addition to the meeting lineup out there.”

McAfee said that his friends and social media followers in the business world were particularly impressed. He said that many of them talk about Bob Iger the way sports fans talk about Tom Brady and Michael Jordan.

There isn’t much more concrete information that Pat McAfee is going to give the public about his day in Los Angeles.

“I will not list every human that I met with yesterday, because that would be what we call a ‘poor-leverage decision’. It would be bad business,” he said.

He concluded the conversation by saying that his annual “Up to Something Season is in full force” and thanking the people that took the time to meet with him and express interest in working together.

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