Sean Hannity: ‘Doesn’t Have Answers’ For Tucker Carlson’s Exit


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The news of the decision for Tucker Carlson and Fox News to part ways shocked the news media landscape Monday. Sean Hannity, like most, was stunned by the breakup.

The Sean Hannity Show began Monday with Carlson’s Fox News colleague sharing his disbelief at what transpired. He added that he doesn’t have any extra knowledge of the situation.

“It’s very, very hard,” Hannity said. “My phone has been blowing up all day. The hard part for me is I don’t have a clue… I have no idea. Was it Tucker’s decision? Was it Fox’s? Was it a mutual agreement that they had? I don’t know.”

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Even though news of Carlson’s exit came down hours before Hannity’s radio show began, he said he didn’t have inside information, even though he’s a long-tenured Fox News host.

“I have not seen any comments yet from Tucker. I guess people think that because I’ve been there the longest that I would have some knowledge or understanding of what went on. I just don’t,” Hannity added.

“Like everybody else, I am an employee there. I have a little different relationship with radio, and I know it might be frustrating for some of you thinking you might get answers from me that I just can’t give…For people that think I should know, I don’t own the channel. I don’t know. If I knew, I would tell you. I have a pledge to be honest with my audience…my honest answer is I don’t know.”

Hannity said that every media member sees shifts throughout their career, and was certain Carlson would continue to be a successful host in whatever avenue he chooses.

“I don’t think you’ve heard the last from Tucker, unless he wants to not be on the air. He will have as many options as anyone would expect,” Hannity concluded.

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