Thursday, October 24, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers


Bill O’Reilly: WaPo, New York Times Used By FBI to Spread Misinformation

In a conversation on NewsNation’s [Cuomo] show, Bill O’Reilly claimed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) utilized The Washington Post and The New York Times to disseminate false information about the Trump campaign in 2016, aiming to disrupt his campaign against Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The Durham Report stated that as of early 2017, with Trump in office, the FBI still did not possess intelligence, showing that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence officers during the campaign.

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“Based on declassified documents, in early 2017, the FBI’s own reports show that reports published by The New York Times and the Washington Post in February and in March, concerning what four unnamed current and former U.S. intelligence officers claimed about Trump campaign being in touch with any Russian intelligence were untrue. Basically, the FBI fed untrue stuff to The New York Times and The Washington Post, which printed the untrue stuff under the anonymous banner.”

Cuomo stated that during that period, the FBI claimed to be unaware of the falsehoods in the information they provided to the newspapers.

“I’m a trained observer,” Cuomo countered. “You want a certain outcome here, and I get it. What I’m saying is I think you’re bending this to fit your narrative. Anytime you have an investigation of a politician, let alone a sitting one, you have a problem. I think the best rationale for why The Office for Legal Counsel said a sitting president can’t be prosecuted.”

“Trump got hosed by the FBI who knew this thing was bogus and continued to investigate something that didn’t exist and fed out false information to the media,” added O’Reilly.

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