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iHeartMedia Tells Staff Not to Use External AI Programs

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic as more people become familiar and play around with the capabilities of programs like ChatGPT. If you work with iHeartMedia though, you better not be doing that on company time. obtained a memo from iHeartMedia Chairman and CEO Bob Pittman and President/COO/CFO Rich Bressler that explicitly forbids employees from using ChatGPT “without explicit direction from your team lead.”

In the memo, Pittman and Bressler write that the company is developing its own AI solutions. 

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“We want to be smart about how we implement these tools to protect ourselves, our partners, our company’s information and our user data,” the memo reads. “For example, if you’re uploading iHEART information to an AI platform (like ChatGPT), it will effectively train that AI so that anyone — even our competitors — can use it, including all our competitive, proprietary information.”  

The memo also states that certain segments of the company are already using AI “with great results.” 

While there is no elaboration regarding the company’s further plans for AI and how it may effect programming staff, Pittman and Bressler do write that they are “excited about expanding that to make everyone’s work faster and more interesting, and allow us all to make the best use of our time by freeing us from our more mundane and rote tasks.”

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