Over the weekend, Twitter owner Elon Musk announced he would change the name, logo, and branding surrounding the social media platform to simply X. 95.5 WSB host Mark Arum isn’t a fan.
“I love Twitter. I was an early adapter,” Arum admitted Monday. “Elon — I know he’s trying to make a buck. I know he’s trying to get his money back for his investment, but some of his changes have been head-scratching.”
Arum continued by noting that he’s not an expert in the field, but it still doesn’t make sense on the surface.
“I don’t have a marketing degree. I took marketing classes in college as part of my communications thing. I’m not a marketing expert, but I just don’t — Twitter is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. I don’t understand the logic in changing from Twitter to X.”
The Atlanta host then argued that changing the name from Twitter to X would be like WSB changing its brand after more than 100 years of recognition, or Coca-Cola deciding it would rather be known as “Pop City”.
“I understand he’s tinkering with his toy. But I don’t understand the logic of changing the name. Maybe make it Twitter X. Keep the Twitter there,” stated Arum. “X Twitter or something. I don’t understand. That’s a billion-dollar brand — $44 billion brand — that he paid for. I don’t understand the logic of changing Twitter’s name. Someone explained it to me like I’m six.”