Sunday, September 22, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Dana Loesch: CBS Sunday Morning Story About Talk Radio Angered My Mom

Late last year, CBS Sunday Morning aired a story about talk radio’s role in the current divided political state in America. The story re-aired this weekend, and it angered the mother of radio host Dana Loesch.

During The Dana Show Tuesday, Loesch shared messages her mother sent her while she was at church about the story.

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“You know how sometimes when a woman sends you a text — men particularly — and you read it and you can not only hear it in her voice, but you can also feel her head swerving while you read the text? It was like that,” said Dana Loesch. “She was so mad. She I mean, I’m sitting in church, and she is just blowing me up. Oh my goodness.

“So she said ‘You were on CBS Sunday Morning for your radical talk radio. You are a bad person you spread lies, hate, etc. And then the eye roll emoji… You and Limbaugh, all you care about is spreading misinformation, revenue, and ratings. You were on camera…They showed you placing number seven in talk radio’. And I responded ‘lol I’m number five those bitches’.

“She sent me screenshots and everything. She was so mad.”

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In the piece, CBS News reporter Jim Axelrod spoke with industry experts about the medium’s role in political division and how the removal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 played into tlak radio’s rise.

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