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Scott Van Pelt: Some People in Our Business Only Tell You What Stinks

A viral moment from NFL Network’s Steve Smith last week continues to elicit reactions in the sports media world. While not discussing Smith directly, SportsCenter anchor Scott Van Pelt said he tries a different approach.

During his weekly appearance on The Michael Kay Show, Van Pelt argued that players, especially in the NFL, don’t often get as much respect as they deserve from previous players turned analysts.

“This is why I want to go into like a deep dive of the philosophy about our business. There are people that traffic in telling you everybody’s garbage and the hot takes, and this and that and everybody stinks,” Van Pelt said.

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He continued by adding that his approach is different because of a simple thought process.

“I take a different sort of tact just because I think of myself. And I imagined myself in that moment. And I ask myself, ‘How would that look?’ and we all know the answer that we wouldn’t look good,” joked Scott Van Pelt. “And so I try to show a bit more respect for the folks that are in the arena.”

Van Pelt’s comments came after The Michael Kay Show co-host Peter Rosenberg argued that overly critical fans should have to attempt a Pros vs Joes style competition and play one play against NFL offensive and defensive linemen to understand how difficult the job actually is.

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