Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Don La Greca: Mad Dog’s Retirement Promise ‘A Stupid Little College Gimmick’

Radio Hall of Famer Chris “Mad Dog” Russo said he would “retire on the spot” if the Arizona Diamondbacks won games 6 and 7 of the NLCS. They did and he has since reneged on his promise. That led to a classic rant from Don La Greca.

During The Michael Kay Show Wednesday, La Greca said he lost respect for Russo for the stunt he pulled this week. A caller shared his anger that La Greca would have such an opinion, which caused the co-host to raise his voice in anger.

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“If he was right here, we’d be critical of him. I know the guy personally. I lost some respect for him,” La Greca said.

When the caller said Russo is La Greca’s “elder”, he shared his anger.

“He’s my colleague. He’s a contemporary. I’m sorry. I don’t know have to kneel and beg to him. He’s a human being! I don’t know have to bow down and kneel to anybody! Get lost! Gimme a break! He opened the door and we kicked it down! That was then, this is now! Enough already! I don’t sit there and bow down to anybody.

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“I like him, but I lost some respect for him. Why would this diety — this God we gotta pray to — have to do a stupid little college gimmick to get attention?! Why?! He’s Chris Russo! He’s God, he floats on air!,” La Greca said, his voice rising. “Why would he have to do something stupid like guarantee he’s going to retire, and then rescind it immediately like a weakling?! Why would he have to do that if he’s Christ?!”

Russo has taken heat from several media members for his insistence he meant he would leave his radio show, not his television programs, if the Diamondbacks won.

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