Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Matt Walsh Explains Why He Paid For Guests to Appear in Upcoming ‘Am I Racist?’ Film

"To us, that's part of the story."

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh is preparing to release a film entitled Am I Racist? later this week. He freely admitted that some of the people in the film were paid to appear, and shared why he published those figures.

While promoting the movie in an interview with 1210 WPHT afternoon host Rich Zeoli, Walsh shared that in the movie, the dollar figure some experts were paid to appear is prominently displayed on screen as a way to highlight his argument that the guests are opining on topics for nefarious reasons.

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“They do it because of money and power, and we don’t hide that in the film. One thing we do in the film is we put up on the screen in the movie how much money we paid these people to appear in our film,” Walsh admitted. “Because, to us, that’s part of the story. The fact that they’re in it for the money, and sometimes they’re getting paid exorbitant amounts. We paid it. And we would pay the fee because that’s part of the story. We wanted to put that in the film and we did.”

Matt Walsh continued by noting that filmmaking is simply another avenue — similar to his daily radio show and podcast — to get his beliefs to the masses.

“There’s a lot of power in using entertainment and using narrative to get a message across,” he said. “I’m hoping to keep doing it for as long as I’m around.”

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