10 Things To Consider When Starting A Podcast

When anyone - radio or non-radio - approaches us about developing a podcast, we take them through the following short but effective questionnaire:


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“Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared”  Idowu Koyenikan in Wealth For All

The NFL season is now past the halfway point, with playoffs on the horizon.

Adjustments to be made – injuries to cover – quarterbacks in question.

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Hundreds of hours have been invested in training camps, between game practices and film evaluation.

All for – 11 minutes.

The aggregate number of game-play minutes in the NFL is – 11 minutes.

That’s offense – and defense.  11 minutes of lightning-quick – play.

11 minutes is also the amount of time any one player is on the ice in a hockey game (goalie excepted).

Also – as discovered through digital measurement – the amount of time music radio is exposed to the listener is approximately 11 minutes. 

The same goes for local television breaks (AM Drive) during – say – The TODAY Show.

In audio creation in the podcasting space, experts tell us that superior on-demand storytelling takes about an hour of research for 11 minutes (OK- 10 minutes) of content development.

Non-radio people do not grasp the time investment to build quality audio content and are surprised when we outline the commitment.

When anyone – radio or non-radio – approaches us about developing a podcast, we take them through the following short but effective questionnaire:

1.         Why Podcast

-What is motivating you to Podcast

-What are your goals for the Podcast

-Do you realistically have time to Podcast

2.         Commitment

-Create the TIME to commit to it long-term – consistent schedule

-Prep each cast so there’s no ‘winging it’

-You’ll also need time for post-production and distribution

3.         Practice

-Create a few real-time demos of your Podcast

-After editing the demo play for a few trusted ears – be passionate about the topic

-Develop many topics before launch as a few ideas will multiply with time


-Do you have a social footprint or database to get followers

-Find one social media platform to dominate initially – add more later

-Which platform is best for your content – Twitter – LinkedIn – Spotify

5.         Respect Time

-Be intentional and focus your Podcast to ONE topic

-No perfect length – TEDx Talks are 20 minutes – less than that

-Write the END first – then work backward

6.         Audio

-Audio is more important than video as sonics ‘print’ better than pictures

-Invest in quality set up – sound soak – microphones – no phone guests

-Use audio effects if necessary to ‘punch’ the audio for consumption

7.         Target

-Define a target podcast consumer and how they need to hear the product

-Who else is in your lane – if crowded, develop further niche

-The smaller or boutique the product – creates passionate first adopters

8.         Promote

-Develop a marketing plan to promote your Podcast

-Partner with other Podcasters (or guests) to megaphone the product

-Utilize web partners to link your Podcast in their blog

9. Distribution

-Create a unique landing page for your Podcast on an existing website

-Decide ONE place for consumption – iTunes – Sound Cloud – Buzzsprout

-E-Blast to your existing database about your Podcast

10. Story

-Tell a story that has a strong OPEN to hook the consumer

-Story should have an open–middle–strong end with pre-sell

-Take a situation that was solved with your service – testimonials

Lukewarm reception on any of these points will likely lead to what is termed Pod-Fade – losing interest — after a few episodes. Most shy away from this sort of preparation thought or lose motivation, experience burnout, or find the time commitment too demanding

Our teams play every day. But what if we had talent invest just 10% of what professional athletes devote to each game, there would be no outcry for ‘compelling content’ and ‘engaged talent.’

Before launching any ensemble media show, have them prep and practice offline in real time on several occasions. We have talent do this in the studio or overnights. You’ll get funny looks, but your brand is certainly worth the hours invested.

The Army calls it The 5 P’s – and the disparity of time in battle engagement vs. training hours is enormous. 

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

British forces comically add two additional – P’s.

Good news!

Crosstown competition isn’t prepping – or preparing like this – either!

Getting your players battle – ready for their 11 minutes.

In those 11 minutes, the listener will hear a world of difference.

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