Cumulus’ Minneapolis Classic Rocker 92 KQRS is “under construction.” The station website and social media tell listeners to “Come back Thursday, April 3rd at 6 am to hear what we’ve been cooking up here at Minnesota’s 92 KQRS!”
The station website still lists all the hosts. The station cut Brian Zepp, its morning show co-host, earlier this month. (BMM 3/5)
The station is running jockless with sweepers saying, “Pardon our dust, build a new KQ we must.”
Before the start of the “construction,” the KQ lineup included Steve Groman and Ryder in the morning, Chris Nelson in middays, Lisa Miller in afternoons, and Shannon Knight in evenings.
The station has been in the Classic Rock format since 1986, after shifting from Album Rock under the direction of consultant Fred Jacobs.
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