Tag: Jonathan Zaslow
Dan Le Batard: ‘First Take’ Has 45 Minutes of News But Requires Two Hours of Talking
"I’ve seen this happen to Stephen A. Smith and I’ve seen it happen to Max Kellerman."
The 2024 BSM Summit Welcomes Stephen A. Smith, Andrew Marchand and 7 More Speakers!
"I am both personally and professionally excited to announce that Stephen A. Smith will join us at the 2024 BSM Summit."
Dan Le Batard Show: Jalen Rose ‘Cranking Up The Excuse Machine’ For The Knicks
"Jalen Rose what are you doing? This cannot stand!"
Jonathan Zaslow Launching Podcast
Zaslow said "we're still bringing you your Dolphins, Panthers, Marlins, and we mix in the pro wrestling" and said it's "bad news for all the other podcasts".
Dan Le Batard: What 790 the Ticket Did to Jonathan Zaslow Was Horrifying
"But what they did to Zas was horrifying. What they did to Zaslow after 18 years of service, calling him in and not giving him any explanation, awful.
Can We Make Talk Radio Great Again?
"Contrary to the industry naysayers, I believe there is a path forward to make radio great again."
Bob Uecker: Lessons on How to Follow the Legacy of ‘Mr. Baseball’
“When you saw him at the ballpark, those cheeks were so plump with a smile that you could it was contagious.”
Political Talk Is Suicide For Music Radio Brands
Even though the First Amendment protects free speech, what you say and project will always be a direct reflection of you. And your brand.
Salem Radio Network Host Mike Gallagher Has Seen His Audience Change Since Donald Trump Was Re-Elected
"To see the tone, mood, and the attitude of the audience just change overnight was really remarkable. I mean I've never seen anything like this."