Tag: NFL Draft

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Daniel Jeremiah: ‘Chargers Will Never Tell Me Who They Are Drafting’

“I’m with them half the year and have a good relationship with just about everybody in their building. We talk all the time. It’s not like we avoid football."

Mike Valenti: ESPN Will Need a Green Screen To Make Detroit Draft Look Good

"Like, we are a pinata for the rest of the country. So no one is really excited about this thing going to Detroit. Just wait."

Adam Schefter: We Have Seen The Last Indoor NFL Draft Ever

"It's become the offseason Super Bowl - the NFL's Coachella"

2023 NFL Draft Sees Ratings Growth Across All 3 Days

"This year’s draft had a strong appeal in the opening round because of the wide array of star quarterbacks"

ESPN Expects To Use Matt Miller More on Future NFL Drafts

"The plan is to bring him back for Detroit."


City Cast Hits 15th City After Expanding to Seattle and Twin Cities

"We're hiring five people in each market, and launching daily local podcasts and newsletters in the fall."

How Sports Media Influences Betting Trends in the UK and Beyond

The media's power to influence narratives can be particularly strong when it comes to high-profile events like the Super Bowl.

The Biggest Online Casino Markets in the World: Who Gambles the Most?

A lot of significant trends are changing the online gambling world quickly.

How Nielsen is Affected By the Opportunity Costs of DEI Initiatives

Now that the company is owned by private equity, you can bet that every expenditure is scrutinized. If Nielsen is big on DEI, what are Nielsen’s opportunity costs?

