Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Carmichael Dave Addresses Grant Napear, ‘All Lives Matter’

KHTK 1140 morning host Carmichael Dave was back on-air Monday, for the first time since his longtime colleague, friend and mentor Grant Napear departed the radio station and the Sacramento Kings. 

‘Carmichael’ Dave Weiglein initially refrained from commenting on the controversial exit, but expressed gratitude in KHTK’s parent company Bonneville International, for trusting him to address what happened last week with Napear. 

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The now former TV voice of the Kings and local afternoon host on KHTK was put on administrative leave, and soon resigned from both jobs following an insensitive tweet last week. Former Kings center DeMarcus Cousins tweeted Napear, asking for his take on Black Lives Matter. Napear responded with, “ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”  It’s a response that Napear quickly apologized for, claiming ignorance for not knowing “all lives matter” can demean the BLM movement. 

Weiglein even put blame on himself, apologizing “for not taking more time to talk about the words and phrases that matter, along with the actions behind them because those of us that were close to Grant, we all share the blame. It’s what we need more of – accountability.”

This was not the first time Napear and the former Kings center had an issue with each other, which seemingly made this even more difficult for Dave to witness, as a big fan of Cousins, the player and person. The KHTK morning host called himself a dreamer, hoping one day Cousins and Napear will mend their relationship.

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Carmichael Dave highlighted knowing Napear for 20 years, having idolized him growing up as a Kings fan in Sacramento. Still, he noted there are more significant problems in the world right now than his friend and mentor losing two broadcasting jobs, calling this “small and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.”

“We have to understand the phrase Black Lives Matter is so important. It is so vital,” Weiglein said Monday on KHTK. “I hope we’re waking up as a society, saying that ignorance is no longer excusable and what may have been acceptable in the past is no longer the case. Saying Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean you don’t care about other life, it means you’re aware there is a systemic issue happening. That you’re aware and ready to help effect change.”

Weiglein closed the segment and his Monday radio show by playing Emmanuel Acho’s first episode of Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.

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Brandon Contes
Brandon Conteshttp://
Brandon Contes is a former reporter for BSM, now working for Awful Announcing. You can find him on Twitter @BrandonContes or reach him by email at


  1. “it means you’re aware there is a systemic issue happening” – Systemic …. meaning there are larger forces and policies at work? Where are these policies? If they are racist policies, let’s fight them together. Instead of statements such as this which puts the villain out there in the ether, let’s analyze where is the issue? Hey KHTK, way to flush a loyal broadcaster’s career down the toilet on 1 tweet and 3 jerk tweets with no practical evidence of anything.

    – No longer a fan

    • I have to agree with “kings fan no more”. Just because an organized group wants to call us a racist it does not mean that we are. I’m sure there are a few out there but I don’t have to agree with there take on it. You as a company are scared to tell the truth and you are tip toeing around the real issue to make a segment of the population happy and protect your business but in reality you are pissing on the majority of good hardworking people of all colors that spend money and really listen to your show. Wake up and stand up with a back bone. Start by having real conversations with your employees. And protect your employees and train your employees. This concept of firing everyone is ridiculous. I love all people and even have clothing that is close to the issue but I want a police force to protect my family from criminals. I don’t want anyone to die either. I believe criminals can be helped. Retain and Retrain. Let’s have a Love Revolt.

  2. I will never listen to this station again or be a Kings fan after going to their first game here in 1985 after how they handled this situation. I hope they continue to lose and fail.

  3. There used to be something in America where differences in opinion were recognized as being an integral part of freedom of speech. The way you characterize Napear’s remarks as “insensitive” seems to be stated as a given. What about the insensitivity of canning some ones career over a simple tweet that actually states what should be accepted as an obvious truth in the vein of “All men are created equal.” The hypocrisy of KHTK is a disgrace. Nothing that Napear said should be taken as demeaning the Black Lives Matter movement. While that movement understandably places the emphasis on black lives, no one who says “All Lives Matter” should be subjected to being censured and have their career ruined over what should be accepted as an obvious truth. Had Napear really said something outrageous, then that would be different. What other statements does the intolerant left also find worthy of scorn and career ending for the unfortunate offender? How about “People shouldn’t loot and destroy the property of innocent people?” I think KHTK’s position in this matter is a disgrace. If I had listened to your station before, I would quit listening.

  4. Since America has been funneled into two warring factions, we take our sports loyalties to extend into that….we defend and cheer our team and to hell with keeping an open mind.

    If you ever paid attention to the critique comments of Grant on the Kings games of Buddy vs Bogi you would understand why the fans and former players, see Grant as having inherent and maybe unbeknownst to him implicit racial BIAS. He killed Buddy over the past 3 yrs and only in the past year changed due to getting a clue from Doug.

    Bogi would be lauded over, with yes expected good play, but damn did he want to call Buddy stupid in so many round about ways if he erred. This is only 1 comparison.
    Listen to the broadcasts.

    • Nah, it’s because Buddy is an idiot with low IQ who makes way more stupid mistakes like turning the ball over or launching a low percentage 3 at the beginning of a possession. Bogi makes mistakes too, but Buddy makes them consistently.

      • This is isnt about the gameplay of Buddy and Bogi, its about how Grant portrays them on air. Choice of phrases and descriptors.

        And this is not about 1 tweet, he has a negative track record that khtk has suspended him for. He has reprimanded by the Kings back to Petrie days.

  5. The administrations of both the Kings and KHTK show nothing more than cowardice about losing sponsorship and ratings; i.e. MONEY than they do about Grant Napear. Napear, whether you like him or not, is a good man with a strong, positive integrity. He has done a lot for Sacramento, through his charitable work and through his broadcasts. For God’s sake, forgive the man for his one stupid mistake. He has already expressed his contrition in a thoughtful, reasonable and genuine way. If the Kings and KHTK cannot understand this. then they are the problem, too. And they do not deserve further patronage or support. Unless Grant is reinstated, they have lost anothet fan/consumer.

  6. Just when I thought the Kings/KHBK couldn’t do anything more to lose fans, they raise the bar here with this issue. The fact that they are so afraid of backlash over a simple tweet that was not taken the way it was meant, to drop a career man like Grant over it shows more of the same downhill path. Being that most NBA players are black, and making millions each year, and then to cry BLM when a drug addict resist arrest, on drugs, passing fake money is pathetic. If they really care about something, take some of that big cash and go do something towards your goals. I don’t care what color you are, this issue is not a color/race issue, this is a thug issue, if you act like a thug, you’ll be treated like a thug, that’s the bottom line.

    This isn’t the popular opinion, but it’s the truth, there is no oppression in 2020 for anyone, we all have a chance, go work hard towards your goals, you’ll get there!


  7. He won’t be reinstated, and he wouldn’t come crawling back either. Grant Napear might have had his career ruined, but he is the real winner here. All this unpleasantness was unnecessary.

    • No, Grant Napear loses here, and so does the Sacramento community of which I am a part. I’m done with the Kings and, for that matter, KHTK.

  8. No, Grant Napear loses here, and so does the Sacramento community of which I am a part. Good bye KHTK.

  9. They have He won’t be reinstated, and he wouldn’t come crawling back either. Grant Napear might have had his career ruined, but he is the real winner here. All this unpleasantness was unnecessary.

  10. It really seems these comments are all one sided. Grant never made headway with players, helped with bball camps or any player causes that went into urban neighborhoods.
    No black community time spent.
    Oh sure he loved the tahoe celeb charity golf tourney but hell that’s a huge luxury be a part of. Bare min done.

    He put down the protest of Stephon Clark when that occurred, said it outright on air. He stated on khtk just a month ago, he didn’t agree with masks and went to trader Joe’s with his wife and despite their store policy he boasted they didn’t want to wear one. Didnt care about store workers. He’s politically aware. He’s a racist deep down, he knows, you know it. The game is to hide it under your other beliefs. Get Doug Christie wife, the purse seller, to get you the real story or even Spencer Hawes knows him well.

  11. I’m very upset that Grant was fired because of saying all lives matter. I’m very disappointed on the kings.

  12. Yeah KHTK you really blew it. You had a real gem in Grant Napear and you know it.
    I like many others support BLM and so did he..he’s not a racist. I know corporations these days have no choice but to act quickly to protect themselves..but I think in this case one more deep breath and you could have realized that this was not a fire-able offense after a good 35 year track record.
    Grant was a complete professional, Jim Rome’s favorite fill in, well respected by the entire nation. I guess we now know he’ll never be a hall of famer. I won’t be renewing my tickets in ’21-’22.
    Good job losers!

  13. How did the kings owner 24 prior make a statement on blm and in a nutshell say all lives matter and its ok. But grant says it and he gets ” black balled” ….doesn’t make any sense at all.just look up viveks comments on blm and please give me a logical explanation into how its any different.

  14. Vivek and King’s ownership have no spine. These are the fascist of our declining society. Grant said nothing that deserved dismissal after 30 plus years. Pretty sad day in America when you can’t state your point of view. Wake up citizens! You are being muzzled.

    As a Kings season ticket holder since 1988, I am deeply troubled by what happened to Napear. Vivek and ownership demonstrated theIr poor character succumbing to the PC culture. Real men, leaders wouldn’t coward so quickly and stifle ones free speech.

    If Jesus walked the earth today, wouldn’t he say all lives, souls matter. God Bless America!

  15. Chalk up another one to Kings fan no more and no longer will be listening to KHTK. Absolutely Disgraceful is the only way to characterize what happened to Grant. I am sickened to my stomach by what I am seeing. And shame on your Carmichael Dave for not saying the right thing. You can have your political views but you should have stood up for Grant and what IS RIGHT.

  16. Just coming around to comment here. Been fuming on and off over the last couple weeks trying to wrap my head around this. I’ve been a Kings fan since 1986. This is my last year being a Kings fan. Pains me deeply. Absolutely no way in hell should a person lose their career for say “All lives matter…every single one”. Grant’s not racist and neither am I for thinking that. We are also not dismissing black lives. KHTK and the Kings organization is done in my book.

  17. Doesnt take a genius to see that ‘Ron’ wrote more than 4 of these comments.. haha must be a pal of Grants.
    ‘ Ex loyal…Sad kings fan..Darius..Brandon..Jared..and joey.. all written by the same guy putting ur finger on the scale. Have some balls its a douche move
    Anyways millionaire Grant will get some money in a settlement just wait. Hes talented so dont cry too much ron

  18. No one is questioning Cousins motives? It was an obvious set up for the purpose of payback. I hope Cousins is proud of himself for getting the response he wanted. What goes around comes around…just sayin. Cousins has always been his own worst enemy! Still is!!

    Grant’s fault for responding to him though. Not very smart. He should have considered the source and ignored Cousins obvious trolling. Instead, he took it hook, line and sinker.

    I’m not a Napear or Cousins fan but I was a HUGE King’s fan! Not anymore. The Organization took took 2 wrongs (Cousins trolling, Napear response) and added another by firing Grant. 3 strikes, I’m out!

  19. With the perspective of history, Napear’s firing will be viewed as a disgrace. And the people not supporting him will be viewed as cowardly disgraces. Apparently in the “secret language code” of the mob that took down Napear, saying “All lives matter” is tantamount to saying black people do not in fact matter. Apparently, “all lives” do not include black people in their secret language code. Critical thinking isn’t included as well. But who needs critical thinking or logic when the knives are out. I guess we need to go to the Cousins or Barnes or Black Lives Matter word usage manual to figure out what things mean or to get their approval before speaking. They are the linguistic priests with whom we must consult before rendering an utterance. “All” doesn’t mean “all” after all. Does “not all” mean “not all” then? Is “all lives” forbidden to be used in the same sentence as “black lives”? Are black people not part of “all people”? Can’t wait for the linguistic experts to issue their pronouncements on proper word usage. You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the thought police.

    • Don youre an you know the phrase doesn’t mean only black lives matter. It means all lives wont matter until black lives matter because the police don’t shoot unarmed whites. Get it? I’m sure you want to play semantics so it makes you feel smart. Please continue fooling yourself or passing along this blatantly racist line of reasoning. Jerks get their kicks somehow, just like Grant

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