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New York Post Blacklists Four Major News Outlets

According to three journalists who work for the New York Post, Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper will be blacklisting reports from CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.

The four news outlets that President Trump has falsely labeled “fake news” and now none of the reporting that these outlets provide will be welcomed at The Post.

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High-level editors at The Post instructed staff members this week not to use reporting from CNN, MSNBC, The Times, and The Washington Post as the sole basis for any Post article. The three journalists are speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.

Furthermore, the three journalists stated that these orders came from Michelle Gotthelf, the editor in chief of, and section editors. When it comes to finding why these four media outlets are blacklisted, the journalists had no explanation for this decision. When reached for a statement, a Post spokeswoman declined to comment.

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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