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Fox Denies Seeking Exclusive on Florida Voting Bill Signing

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis faces criticism for signing a new bill that changes the states’ mail-in voting process and barring reporters and videographers from local news outlets from covering the event.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, reporters covering the bill’s signing were told that “Fox & Friends” had exclusive rights to the ceremony. Despite this special treatment from DeSantis, it wasn’t something that Fox News requested.

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“Fox & Friends did not request or mandate that the May 6th event and interview with Gov. Ron DeSantis be exclusive to FOX News Media entities,” the network said in a statement to The Times.

Furthermore, Fox News producers weren’t aware that the Florida governor would be signing the bill on camera during his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” and DeSantis would defend his decision on granting Fox News exclusive rights.

“We did a wonderful bill signing for this great elections bill,” DeSantis said. “It was live on national television. We were happy to give them the exclusive on that. That’s broadcast to millions of people.”

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Nonetheless, many weren’t happy about this decision, and one of the more vocal critics was U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist.

“This is the difference between Gov. Ron DeSantis and me,” Crist stated on Twitter. “He locks out the public and caters to Fox News. When I was governor, I invited everyone in.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at


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