Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Poll States Americans No Longer Trust Big Tech

A new poll conducted by the nationally syndicated Kim Komando Show sheds new light on how some people view Big Tech. 

The poll engaged thousands of Americans which resulted in 86% of them saying that they no longer trust Big Tech companies. 

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“Since the onset of COVID-19, Big Tech companies have seen accelerated demand as the world has shifted to a more digitalized landscape. Across the board, the survey demonstrated that a majority of individuals worry that Big Tech has too much influence or knows too much about our personal information, yet nearly 4 billion people use social media worldwide and the numbers continue to grow.” 

One of the big takeaways shows nearly 60% of people fear their smartphone is spying on their activity and have had advertisements populate for something they were just discussing. Nearly 70% of Facebook users would be willing to delete their account knowing that the social media platform tracks everything, sells data and cannot control what is posted on the site. 

The national survey was disseminated to subscribers to The Kim Komando Show newsletters and 6,351 individuals across the United States participated.

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