Sunday, September 22, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Kim Klacik Fighting Allegations Made by Candace Owens

WBAL Radio host Kim Klacik is fighting back against allegations of money laundering, campaign finance fraud, and drug use levied against her by political commentator Candace Owens.

The Baltimore Sun said Klacik filed a $20 million lawsuit against her after Owens took to Instagram live with some explosive allegations. Among other things, Owens accused Klacik of using campaign funds for cocaine.

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Barrett News Media documented the drama with multiple reports, the last one coming in June.

The lawsuit alleges that Owens’ video was an extension of a “defamatory smear campaign.”  The suit claims Klacik has lost out on a book deal, media appearances and other financial, political opportunities because of Owens’ claims.

“Defendant has defamed and injured Ms. Klacik; accordingly, Ms. Klacik initiates this action to vindicate her rights under civil law and seek compensatory and punitive damages as a result of Defendant’s conduct,” said Klacik’s attorney, Jacob Frenkel. 

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  1. I would have no reason to think Owens made any of this up, but she better be able to prove these things in court or she is in trouble. Ownes did not make general attacks but targeted and specific attacks. She may be liable. even though Klacik turned out to be fraud and a hack who was more like a soft rino at best. She made a name for herself with one flashy ad and tried to milk that fame for all she could get. Owens was and is right that Klacik is a horrible politician and a total hack but to claim she misused donations to buy drugs is a horrible charge to make.

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