Monday, September 30, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Joe Biden: Cable News Channels Are Heading South

President Joe Biden offered a scathing critique of cable news networks during an hours-long press conference Wednesday. 

According to Deadline, Biden took questions from a total of 22 reporters representing different television and print outlets. 

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After being asked about his own poor polling data, Biden turned the attention back to the demise of cable news network ratings which fluctuate depending on what network you’re watching and what time of day you’re tuned in.

“One of the things I find that is fascinating that is happening, and you all deal with it every day is that a lot of the speculation and the polling data shows that the cables are heading south,” Biden said. “They are losing viewership.”

Biden said the American public is trying to decipher what is “real and what is fake” when it comes to cable news. 

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“I have never seen a time when … the choice of what political coverage the voter looks to has had as much impact on as what they believe,” Biden added. 

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